Saturday, June 6, 2009

today's act.

Anyone has a good idea for a picnic?
I have a week more for my bloody final exam..
And i'll need a vacation after that.. Huh.. Life's going harder as we growing up.
I think i will take a picnic to some cold places.
By the way, i tried a cool game on the internet last week. Guess what.? Its godtower. Its really a hard game. You can go there sometime. Here is the


  1. First, before you enjoying your holiday 100%, you need to cheek your scores are good enough, then I suggest go to Guci at Cilacap. It's a hot spring ^^. Go with all of your family or your best buddies. It's really refreshing go to hot spring and swim there in the morning. It can also remove your fatigue ^^v.

  2. Ke Jogja gimana am dingin di luar panas di dalam gedung bioskop huehuehue ben bisa senggol-senggolan pantat bareng lagi (kapan pernah? ^_^) di Jogja ^o^

    BTW di godtower apa username-mu am
